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Salem is a great place to live, work, and play. But let's be honest: it's too boring. Our city needs a healthy dose of out-of-the-ordinariness. In other words, strangeness.
Together, we can Strange Up Salem.
If you don't know what this means, no worries. I don't either. Not really. This is a venture into the unknown, an open-ended "happening," not a path to a set destination.
I want to explore how we all can do our part to make Oregon's capital more than a blandburger sandwiched between the spicy buns of Portland and Eugene.
Join up. Say "Yes!" to strange.
Turn to the right sidebar and give Strange Up Salem a thumbs-up Like on Facebook. Visit our Facebook page. Follow our tweets on Twitter. Ask your friends to do the same.
Share your thoughts in a comment. Or write me (Brian Hines): [email protected]
How would you like to see Salem change for the better? Be as wildly honest and out of the box as you want. Remember: strange is good.