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October 04, 2024


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"In every arena, there is little question that a Harris Presidency promises far greater sanity and far greater humanity"

There is something exceptionally delusional and utterly disgusting for this bullshit state propaganda article to associate Kamala with humanity, even as she oversees multiple invasions and the genocide and slaughter of hundreds of babies, women and children EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR A YEAR. Utterly horrifying and utterly disgusting, the very depths of human depravity imo. As well as highlighting the naivity, gullibility and susceptibility of citizenry to even cheer for genocide despite the demonstrably delusional belief one is a liberal opposed to racism, apartheid and the daily slaughter of infants.

If one has any interest in understanding how humans could sink to the darkest depths of turning a blind eye to the horrors of the WW2 holocaust, and even cheering for their great genocidal leaders, look no further than at America and it's citizens today, especially the democrats.

Having taken some nausea medication, I read through the rest of this propaganda piece.

It is incredible how completely ignorant, gullible and susceptible to brainwashing folks are. I think most of the rest of the world would agree, American citizens are probably the most obliviously ignorant of geopolitics people on earth.

If one removes from this fluff piece article all the empty sycophantic platitudes, it is essentially saying look how great Kamala is for inviting Muslim immigrants into our country whilst Trump wants to deport them.

Again, these deeply manipulative arguments are grounded in a fundamental ignorance of what CAUSES mass migration:


Between 39 to 60 million people have been displaced since 9/11 alone from regions devastated by US imperialist wars.

RIGHT NOW US and Israel are dropping bombs, committing genocide and ethic cleansing, destroying infrastructure etc in multiple countries, at least 4. And Kamala has openly voiced her complete support for this barbarity.

There is something incredibly abhorrent about an article that attempts to portray a chief architect of war, destruction, death and mass migration as somehow more humane or decent than somebody who voices the concern of THE COMMON MAN of mass immigration into their already overburdened and under supported by their governments because they're too busy sending billions to kill children communities.

But people who have a modicum of intelligence, knowledge, connection to the events and communities concerned see right through this BS designed to manufacture consent in folks like Brian.

This is a woman who barred from her conference with no reason or excuse whatsoever 2 Muslim women wearing a hijab. Luckily it was caught on camera:


Could you even begin to imagine what the American neo-liberal media would have done with this clip if it occurred at a Trump rally? Wow, headline news for days. But, as always, the immense and intense hypocrisy, double standards and contempt for human intelligence that the western mainstream media embodies just swept this away, lest the cognitive dissonance between what so called liberal democrat supporters of Harris believe are their values and the actual horrific reality of their situation totally paralyse them.

All in all this is an utterly pathetic and low IQ article, more mindless Ra Ra cheerleading for their genocidal overlords.

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