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October 18, 2024


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Trump still leads in the most reliable probability indicator -- the political bookmaking sites:

Let's grant that Trump is a vile human being, and everything the Gopniks say about him is 100% true, and everyone knows it. How then to explain, after all that vileness, Trump has a 60-40 edge over Kamala Harris?

I can hear it now. "MIsinformation!" "Russia, Russia, Russia!" Crying wolf.

But let's face it. The more likely explanation for "vile" Trump leading in the polls must be that Biden did a horrible job, and few really have any faith in Kamala's ability.

Much of the public sees who's really been trying to destroy democracy, and they aren't buying the Gopnik narrative.

There is of course one minor redeeming feature of Trump's compared to Harris and Biden.

He hasn't committed genocide and led humanity to the brink of WW3.

I know facts, honesty and truth are irrelevant in the ridiculous charade that is the US election, but I thought it worth pointing out that Biden and Harris will be remembered, factually speaking, as the genocide committing, war mongering barbaric monsters that led humanity to the brink of disaster that they are. Future generations will ask how people voted for such monsters even whilst babies, children, women and men were rounded up and slaughtered, burned to death, raped, entire familial lineages wiped out with their FULL military, financial and political support.

The inhumanity is unbearable, humanity is creaking under the yoke of Western imperialist, colonial, racist barbarism.

The videos of children being burned alive, hundreds of children being rounded up and put into what appears to be mass graves to bury them in, the snipering of children, pregnant women, medical rescuers etc, all from just the last few days alone as the massacre of Jabalia continues, televised, will be a cause of great shame and embarrassment for future generations. How did they not only manage to turn a blind eye to this hell on earth, totally disconnected from the suffering of others caused by their own government, but also actually cheerlead for their genocidal, monstrous leaders.

This is a terrible, terrible scar upon humanity that will take centuries to heal.

We should all be deeply ashamed. Some more than others. The inhumanity is unbearable, unbelievable, utterly disgusting.

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