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December 08, 2023


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A little snark in the morning. Had dinner last night with a Beav who said Oregon should be playing Notre Dame, not Liberty.

I’m a graduate of University of Oregon and a lifelong Oregon football fan. This article should be an embarrassment to all Oregon fans and to anyone who attended University of Oregon. You are actually encouraging fans to make fun of Liberty University’s values simply because they are different than yours. What makes your values right? Liberty is a Christian/ biblical based university. Just like our country and our constitution is based on Christianity. You label Liberty University as being “right wing”. What does that mean? Are you left wing? Is being right wing bad? While we’re at it should we make fun of St Mary’s College, Gonzaga, Notre Dame, University of Portland, Marquette, etc. You’re just a hater. I feel sorry for you. I know it’s a long shot, but I now hope that Liberty kicks Oregon’s ass.


Sorry, but I simply lost interest in this disjointed article. The attempts at comedy were like a sloth performing impromptu stand-up. So, halfway through it, I jumped to the Comments. Thomas is so right-on. Would this lobby have made the same comments if the Ducks had played BYU? Not likely, because he/she/it isn't too bright. 'Probably a stoner like that Pothead Hines wastoid.

Sorry, I meant looby, not lobby. Smart phones ain't.

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