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July 11, 2023


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Excellent column!, but you might also add that Council's rationale was a blatantly dishonest one. The budget deficit was mostly attributable to their obsession with making Salem an important aviation center, the total cost of which is still unknown but will be around $10 million for starters. Their contention that if the tax was not passed programs for addressing our homeless problem would be first on the chopping block was similarly dishonest. While on one hand they wept crocodile tears for the homeless and repeatedly chanted their mantra that the public demanded they do something, about it, they had obviously designated these programs a very low priority and the first to be cut.
Our democracy is embattled at all levels of government and not least of all in Salem, Oregon.

I was at this council meeting. Over 200 pages of written testimony against this tax and more than 40 who expressed the same sentiment in person. At the minimum it should have gone to the voters to decide. Obviously, some of these elected officials are not representing us. I know, shocking. I am livid and wanting to do more, but unsure of what. Please let me know if you hear of any grass root efforts to make our voices heard! So happy I found this website!

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