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October 26, 2021


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Thanks for outlining and sharing the complexity of this proposed residential development.
In raw terms money vs the environment and/or family values vs community wide assets appear to be the primary issue.
Resolution will not come easily. The Meyer Family may not want to replicate what the Bush family (Bush Park) or the Wallace family (Wallace Marine Park) offered to Salem years ago.

To me, this site is an example of where the City is failing. At the moment, it appears to be a binary choice between preserving the 30 acres as open space or building 138 units of single family housing. It is a shame a middle ground approach is not encouraged by City code. Why couldn't this site accommodate 200-300 units of medium density housing while still preserving 10-15 acres of open space?

Neither of the current pending outcomes of more single family housing or preservation of an open space best serves Salem's citizens. My view is some open space and some medium density housing is a much better outcome than either of the other two plans.

I am not an attorney and this comment may not be useful in any way but it seems to me that the outcome will primarily depend on the forthcoming legal decisions. I believe that, normally, when there are multiple descendants and a property essentially becomes ready for distribution (as in a trust that has ripened or in the case of a simple will), any heir would have the right to demand sale (there may be specific language in the trust that addresses this issue). Of course, there is nothing to prevent alternative solutions but the ongoing legal wrangling suggests to me that those in favor of the sale will not easily be mollified. If the city favors preservation over development, then I suppose that they could sweeten the pot in some way that would appease heirs that support a sale ... but that somehow seems a bit out of character. The question about single vs multi-family is a red herring. Clearly, that issue will be determined by the will of interested developers. Profit potential and risk will be the deciding factor in that equation. Something else to be kept in mind here is that, looking at the larger area, there is a tract just to the south of this property which is also being considered for a large single family development (Jackson Ridge) and, due to the fact there are a couple of large apartment complexes nearby, would certainly be a better site for a park because it would serve more people within its immediate vicinity.

I am a 5th generation Oregonian, born in Salem but currently located in Redmond, Or. We plan to move back to Salem and would love to build our new home in this subdivision. I hope it is developed and allow people to live in this new subdivision. I understand the historical nature, but all the land in Salem was once historic including the land my Great Great Grandfather purchased in the 1850's.

I don't like folks who either move into or build in an area and then want all future building stopped.

I still remember orchards around Lancaster ave area where the mall is. I should have said...stop the building and all you Californians move back!!

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