If you're a reasonable person who isn't wild about political correctness/cancel culture and supports free speech, probably you haven't had direct experience with excessively "woke" people on the far left of the political spectrum who (1) aren't reasonable, (2) absolutely love political correctness/cancel culture, and (3) don't support free speech.
But if you want a glimpse of how Salem's Woke Police treat reasonable people like you and me, below are Facebook messages exchanged today between me and Shaundi Wuleigh, who founded a recently-formed Let's Discuss Salem Facebook group that I became a member of.
(Based on what I know now, the "Let's Discuss Salem" name reminds me of those housing developments where every tree that used to be there was cut down, but the development is named "Big Oak Estates.")
Wuleigh is one of the administrators for Let's Discuss Salem. A previous run-in I had with the Woke Police on Let's Discuss Salem is described in "I get cited by Salem's Woke Police."
The messages from Wuleigh are in italics. Mine are in regular type. I didn't include one of my messages where I referred to someone in another Facebook group.
The blog post I wrote about Amazon was yesterday's "Who wants an Amazon store in the JC Penney building?" The supposedly horribly sexist content in my blog is shown in red in this excerpt from the post. I stand behind what I said, which I included for some mild humor and because I consider it correct.
So I probably wouldn't do much shopping at a physical Amazon store even if one were to be built in Salem one day. However, a lot of people do enjoy walking around a store. By and large they're called women. Thus since Amazon is going to be a major force for the foreseeable future, cities like Salem might as well embrace Amazon, warts and all.
WULEIGH: Hi Brian. Your most recent post containing your blog about Amazon was removed for containing what admins determined was sexism. I was the one who approved the post, but I didn't read the blog first and so that was my mistake. I should have read it first before approving it.
ME: Give me a break. I don’t think you realize how dogmatic and lacking in humor you are. I’ve been married for 49 years. I know from my experience and those of my friends that most men look upon shopping differently than most women do. But I realize facts don’t matter to you, just feeling self-righteous.
Here's an article that talks abut the differences between men and women shoppers. https://ecommerce-platforms.com/articles/male-shopping-habits-versus-female-shopping-habits
Excerpt for you to consider, if you think talking about differences between men and women is sexist.
It’s no secret that most men and women view shopping differently as an activity. Based on a survey conducted by the Key Note Media Centre, males tend to view shopping as a chore. They do what needs to be done as quickly as possible and are more than happy to be on their way.
As a result, they are less likely to check on competitors’ prices or listen to their friends for advice. So for an ecommerce store aimed towards males, you want to make the experience something extremely simple and straightforward.
Women, on the other hand, treat shopping as a fun event. They tend to bring their friends along during sprees, are more receptive to other people’s opinions, make impulse purchases, and devote a lot of time to shopping. You want to make their online shopping experiences social and comprehensive.
Try to add social media features to your product pages and expose female shoppers to as many products as possible. For instance, you can let them share purchases on Facebook, send them product recommendations, and display similar items to the ones in their carts somewhere on your page.
So I accept your apology for being wrong. It'd be nice if you'd admit this, but I feel good pointing out your error, since I'm a proud member of the reality-based community.
WULEIGH: Only women's views matter with regards to what is and isn't offensive to women. You don't get to decide. You don't get a seat at that table. Your opinion on this subject doesn't matter.
ME: Actually I do get to have a seat at the woman’s table. I also can sit at the Black and LGBTQ table. This is a country with free speech where opinions aren’t limited to only certain people. I realize you want a Taliban-like nation where only certain views can be expressed, but thankfully we don’t live in that sort of place.
WULEIGH: For refusing to respect rule 7, the admins have voted and you have been permanently muted in the group.
[Rule 7 of the Let's Discuss Salem Facebook group says, "7) Telling members of marginalized communities how to think, feel, and act about their own oppression is prohibited."]
ME: This shouldn't be news to you, but I hope you realize that white legislators discuss and vote on laws affecting Black people, and heterosexual legislators discuss and vote on issues affecting LGBTQ people. By your logic, and Rule 7, it's forbidden for anyone who isn't a member of a marginalized community to tell those members how to think, feel, and act.
So do you and the other woke administrators really believe that no one who is white, including legislators, can say something like "I support the John Lewis Voting Rights Act because this will help assure the right of Blacks to vote, and I urge Blacks around the country to contact their legislators and urge them to vote yes on this act"?
That statement is expressing an opinion about an action affecting a marginalized community.
Lastly, Here's the complete list of Let's Discuss Salem rules.