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May 15, 2021


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Thanks Brian. What the Statesman Journal article does not get quite right is that Oregon Right to Life, Marion+Polk First and Protect Kids PAC, are all the same thing -- Oregon Right to Life. ORTL knows their brand is toxic to the the majority of Salem area voters, so they set up fake front groups that they can give money to and hide behind to support their candidates. Another one they have used is the Women's Leadership Coalition which also sent a mailer in this election. Nobody should be fooled if they get mail from any of these front groups. It's all Oregon Right to Life.

There are those who argue that Salem is, in balance, a progressive city. While I hope that they're right, I often see evidence to the contrary. The May 18 24J school board election will provide us pretty persuasive evidence of where we are, collectively, on the political spectrum. If nothing else the election will bring to an end the Republican's sneering, cynical protestations that the other side is politicizing the educational environment. With the possible exception of the last 24J election, I've never seen them so politicized! One glance at their campaign material, where they talk about putting an end to "radical" and "socialistic" curriculum plans, confirms their political and ideological intentions.

While the extremists rant on and on about how political the moderates are we should note that all their campaign are being run by Marion+Polk First whose Board consists of, among others, Reagon Knopp who is political director ofOregon Right To Life and a Ms Nearman, wife of far right wing wacko Oregon State Rep Michael Nearman. The very air they breath is pure unadulteerated Trumpism.

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