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January 22, 2021


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I saw on the news that you managed to cut in line. How does that work?

Laura, I've described how we were able to get a Covid shot in several blog posts. The first describes how I learned that people 65+ could get a shot at the Salem Health clinic.


The second described what we did the next day to get a shot. We told the truth all the way along, so we didn't "cut in line" as you wrongly said. We followed the Salem Health rules. See:


“So that got me to thinking that given our age, early 70s, and health status, my wife has asthma and I have a bladder problem that would be tough to deal with if I got a bad case of Covid, it made sense to try to get immunized regardless of how fair it would be.”

Mr. Hines, these are your words from your own blog. You knew something was fishy, but you went forward with it. There was clearly a kink in the honor system, and the process put in place was flawed.

Did you make a quick blog entry BEFORE you went and received the shots? You know, use your public voice to tell others? (I don’t know the answer.)

Look, COVID is scary. Take responsibility for your choices. It’s not the worst thing in the world. Be less Trumpy about it.

Stan, yes, I did notify people via a blog post that those 65+ could get a Covid shot at the Salem Health clinic the day before we took advantage of the policy to give "extra doses" to my age group. I also shared that post on three Facebook pages I administer, plus my personal Facebook account. See:


Here's how that post starts out. I said that it seemed unfair that shots were being given to those who weren't in the 1a group without widespread communication of this. So I did my part to communicate that opportunity to as many people as possible. The next day my wife and I took advantage of that opportunity ourselves.

Salem Health is allowing people to get the Covid vaccine who aren't part of the 1a group that supposedly comprises the only Oregonians eligible to be immunized currently.

This seems unfair to me, though I'm not criticizing those who took advantage of the extra doses that Salem Health has been doling out to those in the know who have shown up at the Fairgrounds vaccination site.

Yes, it is well known that often it is possible to get more shots out of a vial of vaccine than the usual number. That vaccine shouldn't go to waste. However, I don't understand why those extra doses are being given on a first-come, first-served basis to otherwise ineligible people when this opportunity hasn't been communicated to the general public.

I learned about this from a Facebook post by Tom Andersen, a member of the Salem City Council who was able to be vaccinated today even though he isn't a health care provider or a resident/staff member of a long term care facility. Those are the basic 1a groups; a detailed list of who is currently eligible to get a Covid vaccine is here.

Andersen said: "I got my first COVID shot today. The local hospital has extra doses so opened up at the state fairgrounds on a first come basis. While not one of the first, I was one of around 1000 or more who got shot."

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