« I get a Salem Health Covid shot, a bit unfairly | Main | After a Trump headache, Biden's inauguration was my aspirin »

January 16, 2021


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What about our essential workers? When are they going to get their vaccine? They should have priority over teachers only after our seniors have been taken care of

All of the school staff on Oregon Safe Return are very outraged! They did not ask to be out earlier in line. This is absolutely NOT right!!!

It’s not so clear cut.

Seniors at nursing homes and other similar places have been prioritized.

Teachers are being asked to return to work, so teachers should get vaccinated. If you’re a senior and not working, you likely have choices in staying home and physically distancing.

Vaccinations are also about mitigating the spread and increasing herd immunity (public health) and not just preventing deaths.

I like WA’s prioritization of multigenerational households.

Teachers and seniors deserve to be protected.

Stan, on the news last night I saw that Washington state is vaccinating seniors now, following health care workers and long term care residents/staff. So Washington is doing what I consider to be the right thing -- prioritizing seniors over teachers.

One problem with your logic is that schools likely aren't going to reopen until teachers have gotten both doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. Since the second dose has to be given three or four weeks after the first does, and full immunity doesn't occur until two weeks after the second dose, this means (as I said in this post) that vaccinating teachers will take two months, more or less.

That gets us into April. So in-person instruction probably would encompass a whole two months of this school year, April and May, unless schools are open during the summer. Is that worth not giving seniors the vaccine first, a much higher risk group? I continue to think, "No." Open schools in the fall to in-person instruction.

I’m not opposed to a Fall opening, but in S-K, they’re pushing to start openings in late Feb and even earlier for Lake Oswego. With the looser restrictions announced on 1/19, Portland area schools will likely start opening up soon.

You make compelling arguments though Mr. Hines. Cheers.

Your name should be Brian whines not Hines, you moan and complain regarding vaccine priorities and then you and your wife delight in getting your vaccine out of order so you can get a little more attention for your little ego. I am an elderly caregiver and I had to state as such to register for my shot. Curiously what did you tell them? You got your publicity shot of publicity and your vaccine I bet you really feel clever!

Larry, your comment shows how uninformed you are. It appears that you haven't read my blog posts before criticizing me.

If you'd bothered to read what I wrote, you would have known that my wife and I decided to head to the Salem Health clinic at the Fairgrounds after learning that numerous other people 65+ had been able to be vaccinated.

Since my wife has asthma, and I have health problems that would make it very difficult for me if I were to come down with Covid, it seemed worth a try to get a shot. We told the screener at the clinic that we weren't health care providers, but rather were over 70 with underlying conditions and had made an appointment through Salem Health's My Chart system.

We were allowed to be vaccinated after speaking the truth about who we were. So I have no idea where your unjustified anger at us comes from. You need to read this story by a KGW investigative reporter. I was interviewed by her yesterday for the story. She says that many people have contacted her, saying that, just like us, they were able to be vaccinated at the Salem Health clinic even though they weren't in the 1a group.


Hope this clears up your misunderstanding. Next time, inform yourself before leaving a comment on my blogs. I have little patience for people who insult me, or anyone else, for no reason.

If you knew you shouldn't have got the vaccination yet, you are both untrustworthy people. You sound educated enough to know you didn't fall into faze 1 ( and it's VERY broad so people do get confused on if they qualify) but still purposely put yourself ahead of others. This was also when the national guard was brand new assisting Salem health. I would not be bragging especially now that you have to return for a 2nd dose

To clarify did you or did you not know that you were not in the correct phase yet ( auto correct misspelled earlier) but wanted to " try" because other people got away with it? Please tell us!

Mytime, I've explained myself well in my blog posts. For most of last week Salem Health was allowing people to be vaccinated at the clinic even though they weren't in the 1a group. This allowed the clinic to not have to throw away any vaccine, because there were takers for it after it had stopped being refrigerated.

I became aware of this through reports on Facebook. Subsequently, I've heard from people who said they were contacted directly by Salem Health staff to come to the clinic though they weren't in the 1a group. So all of us who got vaccinated did so with the approval of Salem Health, so far as I know.

Meaning, everyone I've talked with about this did as we did: they told the truth when asked if they were a health care provider. There wasn't anything to "get away with." What happened was that we and others took advantage of a period when Salem Health, along with the Oregon Health Authority, assumed there was a reserve supply of vaccine coming from the federal government.

That turned out to be a Trump administration falsehood, which is why Salem Health stopped vaccinating seniors on Friday, the day after we were vaccinated. As I've said repeatedly, we did everything correctly. We simply took advantage of what turned out to be a narrow window of opportunity for seniors to get a shot, a window that closed when the Oregon Health Authority realized there was no reserve of vaccine for Oregon.

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