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January 13, 2021


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Hi Brian, Tom here. A friend of my wife Jessica told her that Salem Health was opening up vaccinations to non-1a folks when there were extra doses along the lines of what I told James Schultz above. I went to the fairgrounds twice and was turned away because all extra doses had been given. The third time was the charm. It took two hours from start to finish. The folks who had qualified for 1a and made online reservations had a different, much smaller line and the process probably took less than an hour. (As an aside, I may well qualify for 1a, as I spend time at the Marion County Jail in my legal status. My DIL and son, both of whom are lawyers with criminal caseloads, are in 1a.) At no time did anyone in this process have any idea I was a City Councilor, except for Jessica's friend. I am sure you did not intent the message to be that I got preferential treatment because of my Councilor status, but unfortunately, I am sure that some people have inferred this. I would never take advantage of this play on my status - it is ethically and morally wrong.

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