Trump's final attempt to steal the presidential election from Biden is based on an absurd legal suit by the Attorney General of Texas that asks the Supreme Court to not accept the electoral votes from Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia that Biden won.
There's essentially zero chance that the Supreme Court will agree to this, since the suit has no basis in either facts or the law . So Biden will be sworn in on January 20.
That's the good news.
But the bad news is that -- as shown in the tweets below -- attorneys general in 17 other states are supporting Texas in what amounts to an authoritarian coup attempt which, were it to somehow succeed, would destroy American democracy by giving Trump a second term that he didn't deserve.
On MSNBC's "All In With Chris Hayes" show today, I heard election law expert Marc Elias talk about this.
Elias said that when it was just the Texas Attorney General and one Republican congressman from Pennsylvania who were calling on the Supreme Court to overturn the election result, that was bothersome but not worthy of a lot of worry.
To be clear, Elias said, he still wasn't worrying that the Supreme Court filing would succeed. However, he was dismayed that 17 other attorneys general and 106 Republican House members have filed amicus briefs in support of this dangerous effort to subvert our democracy.
If a foreign power had tried to give Trump the presidency even though he lost a free and fair election, that would be considered akin to an act of war that needed to be fought intensely. Yet now we have an enemy within: a good share of the Republican party.
And not just Republican leaders.
The first tweet below shows a poll where 69% of Republicans said they didn't accept that Joe Biden beat Donald Trump. That's insane, since there is zero evidence of widespread election fraud, and only a few scattered cases of any sort of fraud. (To my knowledge those all involved Republicans, by the way.)
Here's 13 tweets from people I follow on Twitter about Trump's last-ditch attempt to steal the election. This is so outrageous, we can't look upon it simply as Trump being Trump. Nothing like this ever has been attempted before. It's a highly dangerous attack on the foundation of our democracy -- elections.
(ALERT: sarcastic reference to ironic situation ahead)
You snowflakes just cannot accept the fact that Hillary lost
Posted by: Kurt | December 14, 2020 at 01:03 PM
Brian --
I think that Trump's obvious desperation has to do with those New York prosecutors and the indictments they're just itching to serve on private citizen Trump on Jan. 20th.
Posted by: Jack Holloway | December 16, 2020 at 08:46 AM