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September 11, 2020


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Can you try to get a comment from the mayor and each cc regarding their opinion on this and what action they plan to take?

Brian, I share your puzzlement over staff's impassioned defense of developer Thomas Kay's malicious disregard for Salem Ordinances governing tree removal. It should be noted that Kay is also an attorney and his disregard for the law would probably warrant a Bar complaint. The City of Salem Attorney unleashed a barage of legalistic gibberish which seemed to confuse and intimidate the five pathetic SPRAC members voting to endorse Fernandez' blatantly illegal action. The integrity of Salem's governance in this as in many other cases is so appalling as to defy description. To demoralize ourselves even more, there's no recourse. City Council members have decided that their main role is to be staff's palace guard against the citizenry's discontent and defend them regardless of how wrong they are.

"Wyden: Smoke suffocating the West Coast is ‘debt coming due’ on ‘lousy’ forest management"
Well, well, well, well, weeeeeeeel, well:

Thank heaven's Rong Whythen doesn't feel the need to run from the failing liberal decisions that are 100% the cause of our current air quality.
At least ONE democrat in the entire state of Oregon has the balls to accept responsibility.

100% man made?:

"Hundreds of thousands of trees’ need to be removed from OR-22, nearly 300 miles of state highway closed indefinitely
Not one or two or 3; HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS!!!
By the way; How are the spotted owls doing?

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