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August 15, 2020


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"But Trump is shameless. All he cares about is wielding power, and as president he has a lot of power at his disposal. Trump doesn't care about our outrage. He doesn't care about destroying the fabric of our election system. "
Boy, that sure sounds familiar.
Why don't we substitute a few words:

But Kate Brown is shameless. All she cares about is wielding power, and as governor she has a lot of power at her disposal. Kate Brown doesn't care about our outrage. She doesn't care about destroying the fabric of our legislative system.

Yep, sounds ALL TOO familiar....

Brian --

Well the backlash has reach such a crescendo that the new postmaster has stopped the destruction of the mail-sorting machines.

Perhaps it has dawned on the morons surrounding the moron-in-chief that those voters most likely to vote by mail are members of the M-I-C's own base.

Yeah right. Biden for president. He can handle Xi, Il, Putin, Iranians et al:


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