« Salem City Council bamboozled by staff on Taybin Road property purchase | Main | Kamala Harris will be a great VP. Then, a great president. »

August 06, 2020


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Thank you, Mr. Hines, for uncovering this strange bureaucratic tale of municipal manipulation.

Why did the Salem City Council authorize the purchase of the Taybin Road property adjacent to Wallace Marine Park with Stormwater System Development Charge (SDC) funds last November?

Why did Council members not ask whether Stormwater SDC funds could be legitimately used to buy the Taybin property last November or again in July?

What explains why Council members were so gullible or so easily manipulated by the public works staff to authorize the purchase of 298 Taybin Rd. NW property as a future Marine Drive right-of-way just months after Council adopted the June 2019 Councilor Kaser motion to direct G.O. transportation bond moneys away from purchasing Marine Drive ROW along Taybin?

No wonder Council elected to quash my July 13th appeal. Had they not, they would have had to admit they had been "bamboozled".

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