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August 23, 2020


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C'mon you leftists. The problem is your media, not Trump. Here's a perspective for you..


Actually, a very large number of psychologists and psychiatrists have pegged Donald's intellectual and emotional ages at about the level of a 10-year-old, not a three-year-old.

Brian, I have some GREAT news to share with you!
Now, you know how much I love and appreciate Salem Political Snark; right?
And I must say that your post was EXCELLENT in terms of snarkyness.
O.K. here is the good news I promised you:
You are going to have four more years of acute TDS that will fuel four more years of blog posts.
Isn't that GREAT!!!????
Just try to imagine if 'OL Uncle Joe (Who's movin kinda slow) Biden were to actually win the election!!?? You couldn't possibly write a snarky post about the clique, now could you?
Four more years of AMERICA FIRST!!!

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