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June 03, 2020


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The first thing our Council should reconsider is the approximately $1.2 million (split between the City and the School District) that we spend to put police in our schools. Many cities are doing this. Minneapolis just decided to remove the police presence in their schools. Students in our school district have told our School Board they don't want them there -- that they only contribute to the "School to Prison Pipeline" that destroys the lives of too many young people. You and I both survived our school days without having police in our schools! If we are worried about mass shootings, the first thing to do is to reform our gun laws. Police in schools is not the answer.

Can you bring in the corresponding graphs for Oregon or the nation at large. It is not a difficult feat to take credit for nationwide trends in a microcosm. I do think the police are doing a good job. However it would be good to also see what is going up in our community as well. To look at how we as a community can address as much as possible the quality of life. An over-sized police force will soon displace vital community services. Things like access to mental health, drug, at risk populations, and other community services has decreased this puts a disproportionate amount of revenue to those who have a narrower scope in training (and guns)

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