Not surprisingly, we (well, I) here at Salem Political Snark adore snarkishness.
That's why I'm eager to share every new issue of Salem Cherry Pits when it hits my email inbox, sent to me by downtown resident and property owner Carole Smith -- the creator, publisher, and distributor of this marvelous mixture of biting satire and solid information about downtown goings-on.
Below I've shared screenshots of the first two pages of the Spring 2020 issue, which deal with a novel approach to homelessness and a heretofore unrecognized way the coronavirus can be transmitted: farts. You can read the whole issue by clicking on these PDF files.
The first is the entire issue minus the centerfold (which, sadly, isn't a provocative unclothed image of a city councilor). The second is a rotated page 4, so you don't get a crick in your neck from perusing details of where downtown urban renewal money comes from. And the third is the oversized centerfold, "Proposed 2021 Downtown Urban Renewal Budget."
Download Spring 2020 Cherry Pits Newsletter
Download Downtown Urban Renewal Money
Download Centerfold Spring Cherry Pits
Yes, good use for that over priced gorgeous police station. When we get rid of the cops we now have some place to put the homeless. Great IDEA! LOL.
Posted by: Jmiller | June 09, 2020 at 09:59 AM
It is ironic the citzens of Salem passed a $60 million bond to build a pollice station 10% larger than the whole city hall. Just when citizens are calling for defunding police. . . . Come out of the past and into the light Salem.
Posted by: Carole Smith | June 10, 2020 at 01:43 PM