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December 22, 2019


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NONE of the current democrat self-promoters will ever come close to the oval office.
If you want to send money to another "flash in the pan", it's your choice.
Americans, weary of Obama's dreary negativity, are embracing hope and opportunity for all citizens.
America is re-emerging as the beacon of strength, hope and opportunity in the world as it once was.
Speaking personally; the democrat platforms do not interest me, my family, neighbors , industry leaders or friends.
The only people that I can even imagine that would vote for THAT are those that have absolutely nothing going on..

The honest truth is that Mayor Pete is unqualified to be President of the United States, despite being a good guy and a brilliant politician. His opponents need to say that instead of bringing up less important objections to his candidacy. Salem Mayor Chuck Bennett, who is mayor of a town that is considerably larger than South Bend, Indiana, would not be qualified either (sorry Chuck). It's a little ridiculous to me that Mayor Pete has made it this far. We are experiencing a totally unqualified POTUS right now. How's that working out?

Anyone who is buying in to the carefully self-crafted image of Mayor Pete had better take a look at the information below. He is, and will be if elected, a shill for the oligarchy.

Is Pete Buttigieg A Shill For The Donor Class?
by Miles Mogulescu | November 23, 2019


The Insider: How National Security Mandarins Groomed Pete Buttigieg And Managed His Future
By Max Blumenthal 12/17/19

Pledging to “end endless wars,” Pete Buttigieg claims he has “never been part of the Washington establishment.” But years before he was known as Mayor Pete, an influential DC network of military interventionists placed him on an inside track to power.


(this next one takes a while getting to the meat of the matter, but it is thorough and fascinating)
All About Pete | Current Affairs
by Nathan J. Robinson

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