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November 05, 2019


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Excitement. Progressives elected in Kentucky and Virginia.

So, just how is the great progressive agenda working in California.. the cutting edge of societal evolution in the United States? A predictor of what is to come in other parts of the country?

The California legislature is dominated by a super majority of democrat progressives and the sorry state of affairs in that formerly great state is progressivism taken to its ultimate result.. chaos.

The majority of registered voters are considering leaving and already more than a million have left the state since 2007 already. Why?

*High taxes of course. The highest in the nation.
*Highest gas prices in the nation.
*Highest crime rate per capita in the nation.
*Highest population of uneducated illegal immigrants, about 10 million or 25% of the population
which contributes to crime, strain on prisons, strain on welfare,
homelessness, highest vagrant population in the nation,
homeless camps numbering into the tens of thousands, over 50,000 in L.A. alone
*Drug use, needles, human bowel contents scattered on the streets, rise of medieval diseases.
*Public water fountains unsafe to use in homeless areas due the risk of Hepatitis C.
*Inadequate infrastructure for the population
*Poor infrastructure causing massive fires exacerbated by extreme impractical environmental regulations not allowing encroaching forests near power lines to be trimmed back.
*Environmental regulations that prohibit water use to fight fires.
*Rampant power outages.
*Decriminalized theft. You can steal up to $950 and not be prosecuted.
*High fees at State Parks and public recreation areas.
*Failing schools
*So much more but I'm not going to sit here all day making a list.

I hope these newly elected democrats are not of the same caliber and bent of mind as those who have ruined California, essentially turning many aspects of it into a third world country.

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