Dear Diary, first, I realize I'm not actually writing in a diary, but I use my blogs as a kind-of-diary, because that way I can remember really important stuff that happens in my life.
Like today, it dawned on me more than ever before that we've got an exceedingly crazy guy occupying the White House. There's not much of a chance that Donald Trump will get saner before he's removed from office.
Still, just in case today marks the high-water mark for Trump's ascent, or descent, into Unheard Of Presidential Incompetence, I want to jot down what happened this week.
Well, mostly today, which makes this shit even weirder, since usually presidents space out their WTF!? moments rather than cramming them all together.
A few days ago, Trump announced he wants to buy Greenland. OK, not him personally. But the United States. And since he thinks he's King, rather than president, I guess he thought he could do this by his Royal Command. The Danish Prime Minister, appropriately enough, called this absurd. Which got Trump all mad, since he doesn't like women to refuse his money. Heck, if a porn star was happy to get a check from Trump, why not a Prime Minister? That's how twisted Trump's mind is.
Trump also wants to do away with birthright citizenship for people born in the United States. Sure, that's in the Constitution, and no president can change the Constitution on their own. King Trump, though, doesn't let trivial details like something being unconstitutional stand in the way of his insane ideas. Neither do psychotic people.
Getting to today, Trump ordered American companies to stop making stuff in China. If a Democratic president had dared to exert government control over free enterprise decisions, they'd be torn to shreds (metaphorically) by defenders of our capitalist system. Corporations weren't happy with this crazy talk, but they must be used to getting a Daily Dose of Insanity in their Twitter feed, if they follow Trump.
Oh, here's a good one, also from today.
Trump asked whether the leader of China or the Chair of our Federal Reserve Board, who Trump appointed, is the bigger enemy. Words fail me, dear diary. Presidents rarely overtly try to influence the Federal Reserve, which is supposed to be above politics. And never has a president compared the Chair of the Federal Reserve to a dictatorial leader of a semi-communist country.
Lastly, our Genius President (I'm being ironic, dear diary) just raised tariffs on China big time, thereby escalating the trade war that is generating talk of a coming recession. Why did he do this? Because Trump is worried about a weakening economy. So naturally he does the exact wrong thing, adding fuel to the trade war fire that's weakening our economy.
I know, dear diary, it's hard to believe a president of the United States could be this egotistical, clueless, and stupid. That's why I've written this batshit crazy stuff down, since when this country starts getting back to normal after Trump loses in 2020, people are going to begin to forget what an idiot Trump was.
Never forget! Because never again! Thanks for listening, dear diary.
Batshit (a.k.a. guano) is insulted by your comparing it to Trump, and then apologizing to its makers instead of it...
Posted by: Joe | August 24, 2019 at 05:50 AM
Maybe he's just trying to "Strange Up" D.C.
5 more years to go....
Posted by: Skyline | August 24, 2019 at 08:53 AM
The best President ever unemployment at a fifty ( YES 50) YEAR LOW..and I do not believe its in our constitution for Mexicans , Guatemalans, bring thier lazy pregnant family across the border to sloth on our tax dollars ...Would love to see that part of the constitution....he said something about bailing a country out and it would then become part of the USA..NOTHING CRAZY ABOUT THAT ...THEY ARE THE ONES THE PRIME MINISTER ( WITCH) and THE FREAKING NEWS CHANNELS ...THAT IS WHO IS BATSHIT CRAZY ...THEM AND ALL THE IDIOTS THAT CANNOT ACCEPT THAT THIEVING LIAR HILLARY LOST EVEN WITH ALL THE LIBERAL ELECTION TAMPERING...STUFF IT STUPID
Posted by: Rita Littrell | August 24, 2019 at 12:00 PM
Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution—still apply. Those born in the United States are considered citizens.
Posted by: Jacqueline Walton | August 26, 2019 at 09:52 AM
And speaking of "Bat shit" crazy:
I see today an article in the failing Statesman Urinal, that the petition(s) for Cockamamie Kate Brown is on track to make the November ballot!
Now, the days of your fooling readers is far behind all of us with your openly honest DISGUST with her over the last year.
Have you signed the petition yet, Brian? Hmmmmm?
Remember; this isn't about electing a "R" governor.
It's about removing Oregon's worst governor EVER!
Hey; bring back Gov. Tax Koolaidgougeme! 1000 times better than Krooked Kate.
O.K. I'm sure you are back into the lock-stepper mode.
"D" at all costs. Never mind...
Posted by: Skyline | August 26, 2019 at 10:11 PM