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June 20, 2019


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As frustrated as one can become in our Democratic Republic, there does seem to be a level of sanity that appears when anarchy rears it's ugly head.
The rebuff of Measure 37 is a very good example.
During the immediacy of the moment, lots of panic prevailed.
Now we have in Oregon a Democrat super majority headed by ultra liberal, cockamamie Kate Brown COMPLETELY out of control before Oregon voters.
As a registered Democrat all of my voting years I can tell you that the blue wave is in BIG TROUBLE in Oregon.
An incident such as this provides a very loud platform to educate voters.
My hope is that our AWESOME Oregon Senate Republicans take the summer off and spend time education voters on their failed votes.
No Matter how bad Knute Buehler was (and he was bad), Cockamamie Kate Brown is THE WORST governor in the history of Oregon!
Oregonians need to learn how to vote.
THANK YOU Oregon Senate Republicans for bringing our state's ignorant and dysfunctional condition into view!!!

To paraphrase an observation from an earlier period of political irrationality, “We don't want lower bread prices, we don’t want higher bread prices - we want Republican bread prices.”

When the active ingredient in politics is measured by the notion that I am a willing co-respondent of “ultra liberal, cockamamie Kate Brown” then the fertile ground the Founders sought to till has turned into a wasteland. By designating Governor Brown as a despicable other, the writer so designates me, and all that flows from my political, moral, and ethical values. Nothing good can flow from this.

I am a Democrat. I am a Democrat because I hold that this party can best implement the liberal principle that the purpose of government is to enable the well-being of all subject to its jurisdiction.

I partly agree with the previous writer when they write “An incident such as this provides a very loud platform to educate voters.”

It ought to; but it will not. When you explore the synapses of those on either end of the political spectrum you discover that the wiring that controls what they value and what they think true is reversed from what it ought to be: for them, that which they believe is that which is true.

Their belief systems drive what they see to be true. And that makes me an “ultra liberal cockamamie.” They believe that cap and trade will screw Oregon loggers. Of course, doing nothing will also screw Oregon loggers. For them to ever acknowledge this forces them to look into the chaos of global warming and our contribution to that chaos. That they don’t want to go there is understandable; denial, though, is not a healthy attribute of good governance.

There is, in my reading, an ironic twist in what the previous writer hopes: “My hope is that our AWESOME Oregon Senate Republicans take the summer off and spend time education voters on their failed votes.”

I do not expect Republicans to educate voters on their failed votes; that would require an epiphany that admits that what we ought to believe is what is true, rather than the reverse. But, we live in the world of Alice’s looking glass and on the other side of the glass is a world in which all that is acceptable has to be “Republican bread prices.”

I agree completely with the writer’s conclusion: “Oregonians need to learn how to vote.

“THANK YOU Oregon Senate Republicans for bringing our state's ignorant and dysfunctional condition into view!!!”

Yup, our politics is “ignorant and dysfunctional” and the behavior of Republicans demonstrates this truth. When what you hold to be true is whatever it is that you believe, ignorance, dysfunction, and tyranny are all that can result.

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