Here's inspiring photos of the Climate Rally in support of HB 2020 that I took yesterday on the capitol steps, plus a video of Gov. Brown's remarks.
Even though Democratic leaders have declared the bill to be dead, I and other supporters of reducing carbon pollution and creating renewal energy jobs still have hope.
Senate Republicans need to end their walkout temper tantrum and vote on HB 2020, along with other legislation they're holding up.
"Senate Republicans need to end their walkout temper tantrum and vote on HB 2020..."
WOW, Brian.
All I can say is WOW!
Posted by: Skyline | June 26, 2019 at 05:14 PM
THOUSANDS of people protesting AGAINST HB 2020
Just look at those vile, disgusting, animals sassing Kate Brown.
Who do they think they are?
Why hasn't she called upon the Oregon Sate police to remove them?
Don't they know their place?
They are to GENERATE tax for Kate NOT sass her about how it's spent.
Look at them!! EEWWWW, gross! Jeans, dirt under their fingernails; disgusting vermin at best.
Not a blogger or librarian in the crowd.
Posted by: Skyline | June 27, 2019 at 12:19 PM
More coverage of the underclass, wretched, deplorable s.
HOW can anything get done in our society with despicable people like this addicted to work?
Posted by: Skyline | June 27, 2019 at 07:58 PM