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June 25, 2019


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As registered democrats all of our voting years, we feel the same DISGUST as you.
But it's not about them not fighting for what THEY believe.
It is about them not fighting for what WE believe!
Over the last 40 voting years we have gone from enthusiastic democrat voters to DISGUSTED voters that vote for their opposition.
The democrat party sent me out a questionnaire recently and I can tell you that I was on the opposite side of each and every single issue except for maybe 2 items.
The democrat party has fallen off of the ultra left wing liberal cliff and is out of control in free-fall.
Not one single issue or aspect affecting our lives are on their platform
So we completely agree on this , for sure:
The Democrat party of 2019 is in shambles.
I'm sorry I couldn't inject any funny snark. This is serious.
Just like real life.

Seriously? You supported job loss, higher taxes, more money for social programs that dont the work over hard working Oregonians?? Go back to California, we loved our state when Tom McCall said come visit but don't stay! I was born and raised in this state and what Gov Brown and Courtney tried to pull was horrendous!! We don't need our state to become California! Portland already is like San Francisco! Please leave our state alone!!

Brian, it's not fair to blame "the Democrats" for the death of the Clean Energy Jobs Bill this year. Blame the three Democrat Senators whom the Statesman Journal says were going to vote no: Betsy Johnson, Arnie Roblan and Laurie Monnes Anderson. All reside in swing districts and put their political futures before what needs to be done to make the world a fit place to live for their grandchildren. Also blame Senator Courtney for not being strong enough to whip at least one of them to vote 'yes.' There are lots of Democrat heroes that deserve our admiration in this battle, in particular Senator Michael Dembrow and Representative Karin Power who worked tirelessly and doggedly to pass the bill. Also Speaker Kotek who got it done in the house. None of them are going to give up, and the Clean Energy Jobs Bill is coming back in 2019, I'm sure. How we will avoid another Senate walk-out is the big question.

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