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January 03, 2019


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Uh oh. I am pretty sure there is a gay barista working there. I wonder if there is an “identification” test prior to hiring.
I applaud boycotting. Maybe a little walkabout with signage.

i don't think Salem Alliance Church is the only one. Very sad to see a church so hateful and wrong-headed. I never go there. Smacks of discrimination to me.

I believe same sex marriage, according to the Holy Bible is wrong. I believe abortion is murder according to the Holy Bible. I believe in the Holy Bible and that it is the word of God. I believe that I am a sinner saved by the sacrifice of of Jesus Christ. When will you be satisfied Mr. Brian, when Salem Alliance performs abortions on the altar, and same sex marriages on the altar? Mr. Brian, you go on with your silly boycott and keep calling Christian's hateful, but who is really preaching hate? Perhaps YOU need to look in the mirror, take your T. S. CARD to the Chaplain and get it punched!

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