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January 01, 2019


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Brian, may I offer my prediction for 2019, which is: City staff will complete their program of removing all trees from the downtown area. The driving force behind this effort, Peter Fernandez, currently Director of Parks, Streets, Water and Sewer, etc, etc, ill have all City programs, including the City Manager's office, and will henceforth be known as Chancellor Fernandez. Observers of Salem City government believe that among his plans for our city are widening all streets by 12-14 feet, increasing parking by 50%, increasing the library's purge rate to 50%, reducing our reliance on Santiam River water by purchasing water from the Rickreal Irrigation District, increasing the scope of his tree removal program from just downtown to all City Parks, and proceeding with the construction of a third bridge with or without approval from City Council. He will fund these projects with savings from the no longer needed leaf removal efforts.

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