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November 12, 2018


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It's a sad day for any community when Gannett comes to town.

When I was growing up in Salem we had two newspapers, the Oregon Statesman in the morning and the Capitol Journal in the afternoon. Each of them was a real newspaper, filled with local news, national news and features. I devoured each of them every day.

But eventually there came Gannett, relentless destroyer of communities. For a highly infomative exposé of the psychopathic, often criminal practices and purposes of the Gannett chain, and of our very own Salem Statesman Journal, I highly recommend getting a copy of Richard McCord's book “The Chain Gang.” Some two-thirds of the book consists of eye-opening revelations about the S/J and its assaults on community and decency, right here in Salem.

Does the failing Statesman Urinal own even one single printing press?
Just like the fellow that walks into a bar with a large white cowboy hat and belt buckle:
"All hat, NO cows".

I subscribed to the Statesman for over 30 years. The past few years I sporadically rec’d the paper at my home due to delivery issues.
The last several months were the worst. I made several phone calls & personal visits to the office. No improvement.
A few months ago I stopped home delivery or perhaps the inept delivery person made the decision for me.
Good staff must be hard to find.

I have similar optimism AND misgivings about the Salem Reporter. Signed up for one-year subscription because I respect Les Zaitz and he made a good pitch for community-supported journalism. So appreciative that there are good journalists who have the ability and vision to attempt this new model.

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