A few days ago I predicted how I'd feel given certain results of today's midterm election. Below I've highlighted in green the outcomes that became reality. I added the Beto O'Rourke loss to the last two scenarios, having neglected to include it in my original post.
You can see that right now -- 10:07 pm -- I thought I'd be in a mood of Sad, but things could have been worse. But actually I'm feeling Happy, though mildly disappointed. Here's my best guess why.
(It has to be a guess, because it's difficult to pin down emotions.)
First, I spent a lot of time this evening flipping back and forth between MSNBC and CNN. So I heard the commentators discussing what Democratic control of the House of Representatives means. In short, it's a big deal.
Subpoena power. Ability to conduct investigations into Trump administration misdeeds. Veto power over legislation. A much louder voice for Democrats on the national stage.
Sure, it would have been good if the Democrats could have held onto Senate seats in Indiana, North Dakota, and Missouri.
But those are red states. Not long ago there was talk of Democrats losing as many as eight Senate seats in states that went for Trump. So tonight's Senate outcome isn't that bad. And as I write this the Nevada and Arizona races are still up in the air, which could be Democratic pickups.
Second, as soon as I perused the Statesman Journal's Oregon election results shortly after 8 pm, my mood brightened. Yes, I still was disappointed that Andrew Gillum and Stacey Abrams lost their races.
However, seeing that Kate Brown easily won re-election as Governor, and that each of the "bad" ballot measures (103-106) appear to have been defeated handily, with the "good" affordable housing measure (102) passing, made me feel happy that I live in a progressive-leaning state where voters usually make wise decisions.
Here's how my pre-midterm emotional predictions turned out. Again, green shows the prediction came true.
Ecstatic beyond all bounds
Democrats win both the House and Senate
Kate Brown re-elected Governor of Oregon
Beto O'Rourke defeats Ted Cruz
Stacey Abrams becomes Governor of Georgia
Andrew Gillum becomes Governor of Florida
Oregon voters protect abortion rights and sanctuary state status
Happy, though mildly disappointed
Democrats win the House, but not the Senate
Kate Brown re-elected Governor of Oregon
Beto O'Rourke loses to Ted Cruz
Stacey Abrams becomes Governor of Georgia
Andrew Gillum becomes Governor of Florida
Oregon voters protect abortion rights and sanctuary state status
Sad, but things could have been worse
Democrats win the House, but not the Senate
Kate Brown re-elected Governor of Oregon
Beto O'Rourke loses to Ted Cruz
Stacey Abrams loses race for Governor of Georgia
Andrew Gillum loses race for Governor of Florida
Oregon voters protect abortion rights and sanctuary state status
Deep depression
Democrats lose both the House and Senate
Kate Brown loses Governor race to Knute Buehler
Beto O'Rourke loses to Ted Cruz
Stacey Abrams loses race for Governor of Georgia
Andrew Gillum loses race for Governor of Florida
Oregon voters turn down abortion rights and sanctuary state status
Brian –
I've been watching in dismay over the past several years, as you have been exhibiting your abject, unquestioning worship of what used to be the “Democratic” party (to which I gave several decades of my life until Clinton and Frum turned in onto the path toward fascism in the 90s.)
I urge you to read through the comments in this thread:
You will find a solid dose of unpleasant reality there.
That site is peopled almost entirely with intelligent, informed persons who read, research, and absolutely know what they're talking about.
It's fortunate for the country that the Dems took the house last night and can tie Trump's hands, if only just loosely. Just don't expect them to transform the Untied States into a land of unicorns and kittens. Their rabid, lunatic war-lust against Russia, alone, will destroy much of what's left of American democracy.
Posted by: Jack Holloway | November 07, 2018 at 09:39 AM