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November 09, 2018


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"The infamous "caravan" is being driven by people in central America impacted by climate change....."

HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!
Illegal aliens are caused by global warming now; are they?
AHH-HA HA HA HA.........

Skyline, before you laugh too much, you might consider some facts:



"Thousands of Central American migrants trudging through Mexico towards the US have regularly been described as either fleeing gang violence or extreme poverty.

But another crucial driving factor behind the migrant caravan has been harder to grasp: climate change.

Most members of the migrant caravans come from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador – three countries devastated by violence, organised crime and systemic corruption, the roots of which can be traced back to the region’s cold war conflicts.

Experts say that alongside those factors, climate change in the region is exacerbating – and sometimes causing – a miasma of other problems including crop failures and poverty."

Sounds like they'll be REALLY disappointed if they make it all the way to Lake Drive in Salem Oregon and find the wasteland of trees due to global warming.
Thankfully, President Trump will shorten their round-trip and curb their disappointment at the border.
How do you flee global warming if warming is GLOBAL??!!!

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