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November 28, 2018


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Thanks for your support Brian. But I have to correct one thing in this post. The library isn't eliminating older, worthwhile books to make room for new books. There is plenty of room for a core collection and a current popular reading collection at the main library. What they are doing is making the mistake of anticipating that when the library is renovated in a couple of years that there will be less book capacity. They are going to replace all the shelving they have now with newer shelving that is more seismically sound. It may be lower and have fewer shelves. But it is a mistake to remove books now, when they haven't even hired an architect for the project yet. They need to wait and work with the architect on the design capacity of the renovated facility. In my experience, architects are very smart and have the ability to come up with solutions that can be unexpected. Even with lower shelves there may be plenty of room for books in the new facility. Someone higher up needs to tell library management to chill and stop throwing away our books. There is no need to do this.

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