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October 07, 2018


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Thank you, Brian, for this up front view of the task before we citizens of Salem.

You offered one example of Salem goals that you view as important. Others have offered additional theme and topics, all worth of consideration.

For decades the Salem Comp Plan has been guided by State requirements. I believe the current planning effort is an opportunity for Salem to be more than responsive to state goals. A friend recently offer a list of questions worthy of consideration.

1. Who are we, the citizens of Salem?

2. Where is Salem going?

3. Where do the citizens of Salem want go?

4. How will we get there?

5. How will we know when we get there?

I invite the "task force" to begin by answering the above questions.

Confirming community goals and then apply those goals to the Comp Plan update effort is an excellent way to vitalize both our response to the state planning goals as well as city community goals.

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