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October 25, 2018


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In general I regard Costco to be a decent Corporate Citizen. As a union worker I would say they are non union business that does pretty well by it’s workforce. I like to shop at Costco, I like their product line.
The current Salem Costco is one of the heaviest shopped stores in the system.
What Salem needs is not a new Costco, but rather another one. The Kuebler site is not centrally located for all or most of Salem. My household will definitely shop less at Costco when / if it moves to Kuebler (we live in West Salem). A better proposal would be to keep the Misdion Street Costco and to build a second storebout at Kiezer Station. The only healthy stores in Kiezer Station are The Lowe’s and the Target. Visit out there any week day, the parking lot is 3/4 empty. Take out the unhealthy stores and put in a Costco there!

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