« Three reasons City Council should think twice about adding $2 million to police facility budget | Main | Poetic goodbye to Old Lindbeck Orchard shows what's wrong with Salem development »

July 24, 2018


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Our City "leaders" do not appear to be effective at fundamentals. We can't even get safe water and you expect them to provide meaningful construction oversight?

Building our Cop Palace will cost more ... muchly thanks to our President's tariffs on steel. Just one more place where we everyday taxpayers will be stuck with the bill for a quixotic economic/trade policy.

Brian, have you thought about sending your questions about this to Allen Dannen ?

Jim, I probably should. Last night I sent a link to the post to the [email protected] folks, but not specifically to Dannen.

I purposely used the term "City staff" in the post, rather than Dannen, because I figured that his presentation reflected the viewpoint of City officials, not just himself. But I would be interested in learning what comments he might have on this post.

As noted in the Update I made today, as of last February the Beaverton police facility (or Public Safety facility) had experienced a 17% cost escalation over the past 18 months. So now I'm even more curious about why the Salem police facility experienced a 36% increase over 18 months.

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