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May 15, 2018


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She didn't need them because she talked about neighborhood issues. I think focusing on real life situations instead of labels makes sense since city council decisions affect residents' in similar ways whether they identify with labels or not. ButI don't understand why city councilors and the Progressive Salem group--who might not even live in Ward 4--felt like they needed to endorse Steve McCoid at all, but especially before the deadline for candidates to file to run? It makes them look out of touch with the community. It's like they assumed there woudn't be another candidate just because they hadn't heard of one.

As a member of the Progressive Salem Board I need first to correct the comment by Ashley W. Progressive Salem did NOT endorse Steve McCoid. Please don't spread misinformation. We decided in late 2017 to endorse Tom Andersen, Chris Hoy and Micki Varney. This was long before Jackie decided to run. When Jackie approached us we decided we had our hands full with three candidates. As it turned out Tom and Chris were fortunate and did not draw an opponent, but we did not know this for sure until the filing day in March. So we were able to devote all our efforts to electing Micki, but even that was not enough. At least one person involved in Jackie's campaign commented to me that not having the P. S. endorsement might have worked to Jackie's advantage in a pretty conservative ward. In hindsight I think Progressive Salem made the right decision. I think criticism of our decision-making is unwarranted.

This is awesome. Steve McCoid is a nice guy but he just wasn't willing to stand up for the people who live in this Ward over the developers who are running ramshod over all of us. Here's hoping Jacqueline Leung will be able to make a difference!

Oh, okay. I see where I misunderstood the blog post, sorry. Thanks for explaining it.

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