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May 31, 2018


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Darn right Powers and Fernandez need to be fired for the way the contamination alert and notification was handled.
We pay our utility bills for clean safe drinking water.
I do not feel like paying for something I’m not getting. But if I withhold payment they will shut my water off. I’m sitting on $35.of bottled water because I’m one of those people with a compromised immune system. I’m planning on sending my receipt to the city of Salem. It won’t be paid, but it’s the only form of protest I can think of other than joining a recall for the mayor and city council for dereliction of duty.
I hope you get some answers because the residents of Salem deserve better.

Now Salem residents have some idea of what it has been like for the residents of Flint, Michigan. Responsible officials in that state were and still are just as cavalier about the poisoning of the Flint population.

There might be an excuse for the neglectful behavior here in
Salem, however. It's possible that Mr. Fernandez was just too busy looking for more trees to cut down.

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