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April 13, 2018


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I read this quote and I am pissed off:

"What you will find is a team of true Oregonians that love Oregon, love Salem and care about the community. We are all about family and values and believe that comes across on KSLM, every minute of every day."

So, I am not an Oregonian, though born and educated here, whose parents were born and educated here, whose grandparents were born and educated here, and with seven of my eight great grandparents here between 1852 and 1870. I'm not an Oregonian.

I am pissed off. I don't care about the community? I have no family values? Oh, I see. I am now an 'other.' We know what happens to 'others.' The voices that they now have on that station also treat some of us as 'others,' maybe even as lives unworthy of life?

Enlightened Theatrics? Get a clue. A very bad idea to advertise on this station. Not your demographic by any means.

No way conceivable can KSLM squeeze in to the Right of KYKN. Perhaps they were referring to KMUZ which as of now appears to be the only sensible media in Salem. Anyhow, it will be amusing to some watching/hearing these 2 Alt-right ideological idiots slug it out.

Les, I continue to think that the KSLM folks are referring to KYKN, not KMUZ. They talk about fake conservatives in the media, and that sounds a lot more like KYKN than KMUZ.

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