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September 09, 2017


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Brian, thanks for attending this and reporting on it in detail. It's almost certain that the two Councilors who did not indicate their support for a Climate Action Plan are Councilors Brad Nanke and Jim Lewis. Lewis' seat in Ward 8 will be up for a vote next year. Voters in Ward 8 (West Salem) should think hard about whether they can support a Councilor who doesn't seem to appreciate the moral responsibility we have in Salem to do our part to combat climate change.

Thank you, Brian, for coming to the Forum and for this great report. And for your good questtion. I think how to do a community-scale greenhouse gas inventory is something everyone wonders about when first getting interested climate action plans. ICLEI was mentioned several times yesterday as offering a protocol for doing this. It's not the only outfit doing that but it's widely used and has been around a long time. ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability is a network of local governments that archives best practices and case studies, holds conferences and offers technical assistance and printed and online resources. It's global with a large presence in the US. The US website is here http://icleiusa.org/

Last fall we at 350 Salem OR set up a committee to research CAPs in other places. We soon became aware that the City Council was preparing their Strategic Plan and we saw this as an opportunity for Salem to incorporate climate action in their goals. We have engaged with the Council at every opportunity when they hqve held Open Houses and Work Sessions. So a lot of preparation went into yesterday's Forum and we are very happy with how it turned out. Thanks again.

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