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June 19, 2017


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Who exactly is funding the Build the Bridge group? They seem to have tons of money and I suspect there is Chamber of Commerce funding behind it. They also seem to be trying hard to keep their funding a secret--never a good sign!

I know this is a snark blog but it is not a good approach to namecalling people.

What I see happening is that good people are being manipulated by a few people who give limited information, prey on fears and promote anger. Is this what we have devolved into?

At least No 3rd Bridge gives facts. When you try to post information that is in the record on Bridge Solutions they just delete it and the block the person.

One NA vote won't get a bridge. It will require a lot of steps of approval by state and federal agencies. Then a funding vote among all the people in both Marion and Polk counties. This isn't just a Salem issue. It is regional.

The Susann Kaltwasser comment offers a touch of reality to the conversation. I thank her. The J. Baxter query poses the correct question. Missing from the WSNA June 19th declaration is any reference to funding. Too bad, Santa Claus may deliver fancy automobiles put on wish lists, but Willamette River bridges do not qualify.

The adopted WSNA motion states "the West Salem Neighborhood Association [now] officially support[s] ... completion of the Environmental Impact Study ... " Question: How many of the 300 plus yes-voters know the reasons and/or purpose for the Environmental Impact Study or its requirement that Salem identify local funding sources?

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