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February 06, 2017


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My testimony was that we should indeed use the Beaverton Police Facility as a model, and set out budget, as they did, as $400 per sq.ft. (actually theirs was $389) plus cost of land. The Salem proposal is still at $500 per sq.ft. We can achieve that by the procurement process, for a design-build team of contractor, architect, engineer, and project manager. With a set budget this team uses value engineering and cost control to achieve savings and ensure the building is constructed well within that (lower) budget. The other factor that is driving the cost up is Seismic. The engineers and contractors cost estimate for the City Hall is $7.5M, and for the Library it is $6.5M. That is for the seismic strengthening. The Manager did not disclose those numbers and redacted them from the staff report, so I demanded a copy, which I got on Monday, and shared with the Council. Therefore the Seismic is under $15M total. The Manager added re-roofing, air conditioning, remodeling, architectural refurbishment to a wish list. His numbers were $29M of stuff for City Hall (that he called "Civic Center") and $15M for the Library, with new roof etc. That is what they proposed, i.e. $15M of "stuff" for the Library only. I say stick to $15M Seismic structural work only, and do both buildings for $15M. Add a Police Facility for 115,000 x $400 so $46M. Land (real estate) is $5.5M. Total Bond Measure would be 46+15+5.5 = $66.5M. That would pass. Here is my 7 page Report. https://www.scribd.com/document/338502672/POLICE-SEISMIC-BOND-MEASURE-02-06-2017

How many square feet is the current police station?

Currently the police department occupies 48,000 square feet, but 10,000 of that is the WVCC (911 Center). So they're in very cramped quarters, just 38,000 square feet, really.

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