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January 04, 2017


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I've asked several people and still haven't got an answer. "Why the bag pipes?"

Wow-get to know these people before endorsing. Greg Peterson is one of the most practical and kind generous people I have met. He has a deep understanding of Salem's problems and people. Oh and did I memtion the irony that he is forgiving of someone even though he is of color. I used to enjoy reading your blog, disappointed un your lack of process. Shame on you-

Greg is a great man and has helped the community more than alot of people with his actions. I remember in highschool he had a breakfast for football teams when playoffs started for all the schools that were in the football playoffs. He constantly helps people for free in this community.

Rose, what do you mean by a "lack of process" in this blog post? Salem has just begun the process of electing someone to replace Daniel Benjamin. Learning about the candidates is part of that process. I've shared factual information about Greg Peterson and Christopher Hoy. You, and another commenter, have shared some additional information from your point of view. This is all good.

As I noted in this post, Peterson is playing up his long-time friendship with Daniel Benjamin. That's fine.

But at some point Peterson will need to address Benjamin's actions that led him to be censured by every member of the Salem City Council, which then accepted his resignation. This was a big deal in Salem. Dozens of people testified at the council meeting where Benjamin's resignation was accepted about the need to fight racism and bigotry in Salem.

To make it easier for Peterson and others to see the video Benjamin posted on his Facebook page, I'll upload a KATU story about Benjamin to You Tube, then update this blog post with the video. The direct link, once it is uploaded, is:


Why do mention "Compton"? You make no mention of the other guy where he is from? That looks like your profiling him, because of what the media says and presents Compton being.

To endorse a candidate before exploring all of the others is a lack of process.

Justin, I didn't bring up Compton. I quoted a KATU news story that included a mention that Compton is where Peterson used to live.

Rose, I'm a progressive. I've talked with several friends active in Progressive Salem who say that Christopher Hoy will be an excellent city councilor. I've also heard that Greg Peterson favors building the unneeded billion dollar Third Bridge and supports a re-vote on the same wasteful $82 million police facility plan that was voted down in the November election.

If this is true, that Peterson is in favor of constructing a Third Bridge, which will almost certainly require a $1.50 each way toll on it and the two current bridges, and he also is in favor of the poorly thought-out $82 million police facility plan, this is all I need to know to be against him.

However, if I see clear evidence that Peterson holds progressive/liberal positions that are in line with mine, and he promises to vote that way as a city councilor, then, sure, I'll reconsider my view of him. Until then, Hoy appears to be a much better Ward 6 candidate to me.

Hi Brian,
Ok so you will throw anyone under the bus if they support the bridge project- progressive or prejudiced? Open minded or single minded? This might be my last post here to you- however this will be my first of many to others seeing now- how your process has worked to perform character assasination on one candidate- and that candidate being a minority- Rose

Rose, don't be ridiculous. If I continue to oppose Peterson, it will be because of his positions on important issues facing Salem, and his qualifications to be a Salem city councilor, not because he's African-American.

Hey, I've been a strong supporter of Barack Obama, and a critic of Ben Carson. What matters for me in politics, as it should matter for everyone, isn't the color of someone's skin but how competently they can be a public servant. Given my political leanings, that means being a committed progressive -- especially since Salem is a liberal-leaning town (Ward 6 definitely included).

Remind me - who said "I look forward to the day my children will be judged not on the color of their skin, but on the content of their character"? We need to stop labeling people as "Racist" because you disagree with their actions. Judging someone on their actions is NOT racist. It has nothing to do with his race. By over-using the term "racist" we devalue its meaning and prolong racism in America.

I will not support Greg because he is hand selected and financed by the Chamber of Commerace. All Chamber candidates seem to support business over citizens. I want a candidate who values people and community over everything else. Because of this, I will support Hoy- not because he is white, but rather because I like the content of his character.

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