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January 08, 2017


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Needing more information, and following the city's PR release, I called the city staff coordinator person, from the city manager's office, some THREE weeks ago, was told she took the day off, and to leave a voice message, and so far have not received a call back. But yes, it's only been three weeks. Maybe because we are not part of the power structure in this town. It's time for some changes at City Hall.

Maybe they should do a Survey Monkey? Of course, that's hard because they would have to develop a valid survey instrument.

What makes Rich Duncan a "stakeholder"? He does not live in Salem. Brian, you don't either, but you were not chosen as a "stakeholder."

• I watched the CCTV video of the Nov. 16 Budget Committee presentation by EcoNorthwest (the presentation starts at 48:00). It's apparently an idea Steve Powers brought with him and sounds good in theory. But I also wonder about the choice of "stakeholders”. There was supposed to be a scientific survey of residents started on Dec. 4. There’s also supposed to be a “charrette” before the open house but it’s not clear who was invited to it or how representative they will be. The city’s notice said they will consider “…perspectives of residents, community leaders, and elected officials”. (Can we assume that former elected officials are no longer included?) It will be interesting to see what the open house consists of and what kind of feedback they receive.

Mike, I have a copy of the scientific survey of residents report, so have updated this post by attaching a PDF file of the DHM Research findings at the end of the post. I haven't read the report closely yet, so may have some observations about it once I do. Here's a direct link to the PDF file:


A good filter for city priorities is "will this make Salem a more attractive place to live?" Too many of the folks working in Salem choose to live in another city. If more of the people who work in salem actually live in Salem, we will all enjoy a better economy, nicer parks, better funded schools, less traffic, more night life, larger city tax base, etc.

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