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November 29, 2016


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Great words by all shown here. Brian, your experience shows with the preface about where he came from. That turned the mirror on the council very eloquently and I hope they see your point.

Thank you Brian for your testimony. Mr. Kershel exposed one "elephant in the room." But you exposed the other elephant in the room -- the take-over of our City government in the past 14 years by the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce. Since Daniel Benjamin was elected in 2014 the Chamber has not been very influential in electing City leaders. Their candidates, Warren Bednarz and Jan Kailuweit were beaten badly this year. They would have to have a lot of gall to come up with a replacement for their boy Daniel Benjamin in the Ward 6 special election on March 14th. We'll need to watch that very carefully and hope for a very strong progressive candidate who can be effective and represent the interests of Ward 6 residents, not special interests.

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