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October 15, 2016


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Creekside Golf Club Co-owner and resident Terry Kelly wasn't going after a $60,000 subsidy. As a good capitalist he had his eyes on a much bigger rate reduction. You can hear him on the audiotape of one of the Water Wastewater Task Force meetings arguing for Creekside to be moved from the Irrigator classification to the Industrial classification which has the lowest water rates in the City (their rate is $1.54, as compared to Irrigators whose rate is $4.24; Residential is $2.65). His remarks on the tape are pretty hilarious. He's basically trying to convince the WWWTF that "golf is an industry" and he urges them to Google it to see that golf is an industry. Right. He and Tokarski really hung Councilor Steve McCoid out to dry. They should have told him that they didn't really need just a $60,000 subsidy before McCoid committed a state ethics law violation.

Good job everyone, but especially to the people who speak and write about the absurdities going on in Salem City government. Everyone should feel empowered to speak out when you noticed irregularities, even if you aren't sure what it means, because it can be pieced together by the rest of us, esp. with a little Snark! :-)

This Creekside Golf course issue is sad and totally reprehensible. The good ole rich guys thought they would pull off a back door deal and no one would know.
I have to credit the Statesman Journal for some good reporting on this.


Side note :
City of Salem Public Works hired Creeksides Superintendent as a Supervisor of Parks Operations.

Parks Operations Supervisor
City of Salem
July 2016 – Present (10 months)
Creekside Golf Club

Golf Course Superintendent
Creekside Golf Club
June 2015 – Present (1 year 11 months)

Notice how Creeksides superintendent JD Clarizio was hired as the City of Salem Parks Dept. District Supervisor this year over other more qualified internal candidates. Also, there is is solid possibility he is holding both positions simultaneously. Tokarski and Mc Cloud special treatment could be at play here. Spend it or lose it Parks dept. / Public Works is really competently working for the taxpayers!!! ( At least the ones around Bush Park )

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