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August 13, 2016


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Marion County Commissioners discussed this project on Wednesday. Sam Brentano said "I usually try and get along with the City of Salem, but removing a vehicle lane for a bike lane? Bike users don't pay taxes like drivers."

The contempt and disregard this current city administration shows towards its constituents is disappointing yet not surprising.

The fatal flaw in the City of Salem government's current thought process is that they have bought into their own propaganda that they are "leaders" in the community- intellectually, morally, and inherently superior to the unwashed masses they govern. The public is just another obstacle that needs to be overcome by any means necessary in order to achieve what these "leaders" know is best.

Instead of "leaders" what the city really needs is Representatives or Stewards with the attitude that the voters should be trusted and respected and informed, and have the faith and confidence that any new or potentially objectionable/controversial project can be defended on its merits and not through obstruction or subterfuge. And be able to listen to any criticisms and NOT take them personally, and work to address those criticisms, not conceal them or shut them up and make them go away.

If the city is attempting to conceal and mislead us about this relatively small project cost, one has to wonder what else they are misleading us about.

Collaboration Capital? I guess that was an ironic nickname the whole time, like when a big huge guy is nicknamed "Tiny."

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