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August 01, 2016


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Sorry Brian. For the meeting next Monday I will make signs that say "I HAVE A 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHT TO HOLD THIS SIGN" and I will join you in holding one. Deal?

that zebra print shirt is a distraction to many animal activists. I am not one of them but just saying.

Jim, deal. So long as we hold the signs after we testify. I don't want to be thrown out before I get a chance to talk for three minutes about how stupid an idea the unneeded billion dollar bridge is.

Umm, you sound as if you didn't know exactly what would happen if you held up that sign. We had signs several years ago at the council meeting discussing the different bridge alternatives. Jim helped distribute them. The mayor's reaction was exactly the same. We need t-shirts with lots of women wearing them. I'd love to see the mayor order the women to take off their shirts. 😄

You're right, Mary Ann, I didn't know.

Jim Scheppke sweet-talked me so skillfully into doing the Hold-the-Sign-to-your-Chest deed, I never thought that this (supposedly) isn't allowed at City Council meetings. As noted in this post, I see no evidence that the Council has banned signs. I think the Mayor just considers them "boisterous" and "disruptive."

Plus, I wasn't holding the sign up. It was sitting over my plain gray t-shirt almost exactly where an image would be. So now I'm excited about going to the next Council meeting on this subject and sitting in the same exact chair while wearing a bright red No 3rd Bridge t-shirt.

Why not just print it on a t-shirt and wear it to the next meeting?

Yep signs are definitely not against the rules of decorum for the city council. I might be wrong but I don't think Mayor Peterson has any authority to try and ban people from holding the signs. She seems to think that she is a dictator who can assert any tyrannical rule that she wants.

I like the suggestion for next time of having t-shirts with the logo on them. Or big foam fingers with the No 3rd bridge logo on them.

What a. One sided bitch she is. So fricken unfair. She needs to get the hell out of there

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