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August 22, 2016


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Don't worry Brian, this will go nowhere. Much like the Cherriots payroll tax measure, the Salem Chamber and other defenders of local jobs will step up to ensure that we "protect small business" from having to shoulder the burden such an unfair rate restructuring would surely create.

Not Even Wrong, you're so right! Naturally the Chamber of Commerce will step in to prevent the unfair $600,000 water rate increase on small businesses.

Just like the Chamber has opposed the Billion Dollar Third Bridge Boondoggle and the over-priced, over-sized $82 million police facility bond measure that will hit small businesses with a property tax hike.

Oh, wait... the Chamber of Commerce isn't opposing those tax increases. Damn. I guess the Chamber only opposes things like improving bus service for everybody in Salem. If a tax increase benefits wealthy special interests, the Chamber is fine with it.

It's more of an I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine at the Chamber.

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