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April 10, 2016


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There are indeed City cost estimates, and Chuck Bennett should be more aware of them, and not show so much ignorance, and so much distain for hard working community and neighborhood groups. There were the 2011 and 2014 estimates by engineers that Brian refers to. At the Blue Ribbon Task Force, Assistant City Engineer Allen Dannen told the committee that the overall cost is $15M for seismic at the city hall and library. So that's the official number. Then In 2015 the Acting City Manager showed a powerpoint that recommended deferring seismic for 10 years to 2025, and so the cost would inflate to $35M. Salem Community Vision picked up on the Task Force figure of $15M and recommended another $5M so that the existing police space (28,000 sq.ft.) be rehabbed for another department or occupant, and there be other improvements as required. This month the staff produced a status report on the police facility planning, and now they state a new number for seismic. They now say $26.6M, with no explanation, but we assume they are adding inflation, and are adding air conditioning, and architectural improvements in that figure. But it's all in the official staff reports, so our councilor should not show so much ignorance.

YES Brian, Carole is the BEST for US! Chuck Bennett contradicts himself, changes his mind, even lies. He is a no where vote.
Carole? She follows through, she clarifies, organizes and yes... Even makes a "nuisance" of herself GETTING THINGS DONE.

This is the kind of Mayor I want. Do not sell our city for profit. Take care of the city we LOVE. Vote for Carole Smith!!!

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