Donald Trump likes to pretend that he's a macho guy. But in truth, he's really unmanly. Even more, he's a wimp -- as Bill Maher likes to call him, a "whiny little bitch."
Trump is always complaining about how people treat him unfairly. Yet while he demands respect, Trump doesn't act in ways that elicit respect.
Speaking as a man with 75 years of experience of that gender, men know the difference between a leader who, as the saying goes, "speaks softly and carries a big stick" versus what Trump does: speak loudly and carry a fragile twig.
Now, I want to make clear that when I say Trump is unmanly, by no means am I asserting that there's any one way to be a "real" man. Men have all kinds of characteristics. I'm simply saying that in my rather traditional view of manliness, which I grew up with, Trump falls way short.
For example, I can't imagine Trump being a true team player.
The only sport I'm aware of that he's played is golf. That's an individual activity, even when played with others. I can't picture Trump being an effective member of a football squad where personal goals have to be secondary to what's best for the team.
Trump only cares about himself. He uses his money and power to get other people to do what he wants them to do. That works for a billionaire real estate developer or President of the United States, but not in areas where authority stems from genuine competence and an ability to lead.
I also can't imagine Trump in a physical fight. In fact, he doesn't seem to be a very physical person, a man comfortable with his own body. I can't see him downhill skiing, or surfing, or rock climbing -- any risky activity where injuries are common.
Ever since Trump came to national attention around 2015 (I never watched an episode of The Apprentice), I've been struck by how unmanly he appears to me. He often puts on a high sing-song'y voice that sounds really effeminate. He throws personal insults around habitually, a sign of someone lacking confidence in himself. He never takes responsibility for mistakes, the mark of a true leader.
Last Tuesday's debate with Kamala Harris showed that she has way larger "balls" than Trump does. From the first moment when she walked firmly over to Trump's podium and forced him to shake her hand, saying "Kamala Harris, have a good debate," it was evident who the alpha on the stage was.
Harris was able to lead Trump to say whatever she wanted him to say. As I noted in my post about the debate:
MSNBC's Chris Hayes had a good way of putting it in the post-debate analysis. He said that Harris would repeatedly throw out a tasty lure that she suspected would attract Trump's attention, such as her comment that people who attend Trump rallies are seen leaving early because his speeches are so boring.
OUCH! That got Trump's attention. So rather than spending precious debate time talking about the deficiencies of the Biden-Harris administration, Trump would get distracted and chase after the shiny object that Harris had skillfully gotten him to bite on.
This showed how weak and easily manipulated Trump is, a point Harris made. She said that all world leaders like the authoritarian heads of state of Russia, China, and North Korea have to do is praise Trump and he follows their lead happily.
Trump wasn't only pussy-whipped at the debate. He was led around by Harris like a wimpy bull with a ring through its nose. And rather than taking his defeat like a man, he barged into the spin room after the debate blathering on about how he did a great job and reputable polls he made up in his own mind said he won 90-10 or 80-20. More lies to add to all he told at the debate.
I loved the looks Harris gave Trump. Often they combined pity with amusement, as if she was hoping for a more worthy opponent and couldn't believe how Trump was self-destructing into an angry frothing mess. (Which, actually, is his normal state, but his advisors had hoped that Trump could act differently for 90 minutes.)
This was my favorite Harris expression. It conveyed the feeling of a competent woman who is watching a weak man fail miserably at responding to her statements and attacks. As I said in my previous blog post, "If this was a boxing match, it should have been called after the first round: technical knock-out for the clear victor over Donald Trump, Kamala Harris!"
Harris looked much more like a Commander in Chief than Trump did. To not coin a phrase, he looked like a whiny little bitch.
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