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January 16, 2025


This sounds like what I've heard a lot about the 'big and popular' movies of today. This though as a cartel leader might go a step beyond. The main thing I believe about trans is the objection is when they are children before they reach a mature age to be sure it's what they want. Basically, they are becoming eunuchs if they go to surgery for it along with a lifetime on hormones. Kids need a lot more information than a glamorous version of it for adults. What do I know about it? Quite a bit since the issue is in my family as it was a supposed solution for known psychological problems with the child given no clue as to the problems in the future. Oh, and parents kept ignorant as best the school could do-- even though when they found out, they were supportive. What is the parents' choice? Possible suicide as the threat. This is a big issue for a few of us and a movie like this one seems all wrong to glamorize it for liberals, who already think this way, but don't face it directly.

That was an oops in using the word eunuch. Trans can appear like the sex they want to be. What so far they cannot do is reproduce other than some female trans who have maintained their reproductive organs. I don't know what the hormones will do to the offspring or maybe their own longevity. I do know they are not well educated on those risks for younger ones. Someone who does it earlier, like Jenner or the one in the movie won't face those issues. Hence a desire that they not begin too young, dress like the opposite sex, etc. Just wait as some have regretted it too late. I hope that won't happen to our family member and that it'll work out okay. What we want for anyone facing difficult emotional choices.

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