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December 21, 2024


Brian, retrieve your deposit! Or is Capitol Manor that "hippie retirement community" you have been looking for?

Have you watched A Man On The Inside on Netflix? It demonstrates the reason anyone would move into a Continuing Care Community: socializing with other seniors. I don't think you will be moving until you can no longer drive for your socializing. A regular retirement community would then be suitable for you. I like my rural life and still enjoy the physical work of caring for the property and infrastructure improvements. Like you, we have the resources to hire others when we can no longer do the work ourselves.

I don't believe this country will ever help seniors in the way you and I want. By the time enough voters wake up to elect the progressive government that would deliver those services, the economic resources won't be there (economic collapse). Like you, I am in my mid-70s and I don't believe we will live to see any real improvements in the well-being of the majority of our fellow citizens.

My action plan is to die "with-my-boots-on", either naturally or artificially.

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